Sydney Scuba Diving Gear Rental/Hire

We offer a large range of Scuba Diving Gear available for Rental/Hire, available from both dive centres in Alexandria and Manly/Brookvale. Below our are rates;

NEW 10 Dive Hire Pack

SCUBA SETS  24 hours 48 hours 7 days
Set 1 BCD, Regs, 1 Tank & Weights  $ 80  $ 140  $ 240
Set 2 BCD, Regs, Wetsuit, 1 Tank & Weights  $ 90  $ 157  $ 270
Set 3 BCD, Regs, Wetsuit, 1 Tank, Weights, Mask, Snorkel, Fins  $ 100  $ 175  $ 300
Add Second Tank to Set 1, 2 or 3  $ 20  $ 35  $ 60
Mask, Snorkel  $ 10  $ 17  $ 30
Fin Open Heel & Boots (Alexandria only)  $ 20  $ 35  $ 60
Fin Full Foot (Manly only)  $ 10  $ 17  $ 30
Dive Boots  $ 10  $ 17  $ 30
Hooded Vest 3mm  $ 15  $ 26  $ 45
Wetsuit 5mm  $ 20  $ 35  $ 60
Regulator Set (no Computer)  $ 25  $ 43  $ 75
Regulator Set with Computer  $ 35  $ 61  $ 105
BCD  $ 20  $ 35  $ 60
Weight Belt  $12  $ 21  $ 36
Single Tank  $ 20  $ 35  $ 60
Double Tank  $ 40  $ 70  $ 120
Nitrox Tank (32%) (Manly only)  $ 30  $ 52  $ 90


  • Equipment must be returned within the time frame e.g. 5pm - 5pm (24hrs)
  • You are responsible for the loss or damage of any PRO DIVE hire equipment during the hire period
  • You are required to show your ‘Cert Card’ if you are hiring SCUBA equipment
  • You will be required to read and sign our full hire T & C’s
  • Gear not returned by the due time will occur a penalty at the per day rate.

How to Rent/Hire from Us?

We always recommend call us a couple of day prior to ensure that we will have the gear available for the day. It can be prebooked with payment.

Call Us
Alexandria (02) 9665 6333
Brookvale (02) 9977 5966

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